Wednesday, December 08, 2010

The Gift of Choice

I have often been bothered by a question - that would spring up to mind at the oddest of times: "What is the meaning of life?". Sometimes in alcohol induced wisdom with friends - we would go on and on, till one of us had a headache and we had to stop. Sometimes, while driving alone in a long stretch of road, the question would pop again. And then there were times when I happened to park my car in the same slot at office for 5 days in a row - when again the alarm bills went off and the question presented itself : "Is there a meaning to all this? This relentless running on the treadmill - this blur of action that never stops - this living from weekend to weekend - this chasing of some sales numbers that will never be remembered in a few months from now......."

A few days back, I was reading a particularly moving book by Victor Frankl : Mans Search for Meaning. It is an account of his experiences in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. In all of human history, perhaps no other generation had to go through such a brutally inhuman existence. But as Victor Frankl narrates: Even in those darkest of circumstances and times, there were people who lived by the highest tenets of humanity - while the large majority descended into an existence of animals. He goes on to elucidate what became starkly clear in that crucible of existence: It was that the meaning of life is not something that opens itself and presents itself like a book to be read. Rather, the meaning of life - is a choice - that presents itself in every moment of existence to an individual. Its an answer that every person needs to give for himself or herself. At this very moment of your life - what do you choose to be? Happy or Sad? Cribbing or Inspiring? Safe or Adventurous? Generous or Miserly? Cruel or Compassionate?

As Nichrens teachings of Buddhism tell us - there are many states of existence in every second of our lives, ranging from Buddhahood & heaven on one end to the state of Animality and Hell at the other end. The gift given to humans is that of choice. Do we wish to manifest our best sides or do we live by the whim of the moment?

The greatest souls who have walked this Earth - have time and again manifested this truth - that we need to own up every second of our lives & make our choices in line with the best that is in us. Thats perhaps what they really meant when they said: "I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul."

The below poem - that I came across in the movie Invictus was apparently a constant source of inspiration and encouragement to Nelson Mandela in all his 27 years in prison. Written by William Ernest Henley, I do hope it inspires you too!

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how straight the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Cooking up a Team

Someone once told me: "The way you Play is the way you Work". In my work with the several teams I have had the good fortune to watch closely, I have often been witness to this truth rising to the fore unfailingly.

And so it was, during the Friday of last week, when we were conducting a team building workshop for the senior leadership team of a corporate behemoth.

The challenge laid out to them was starkly simple: to cook a meal. The nine individuals were split into 3 groups, which were handed Rs.200 each. The only other things offered were a cooking vessel, a ladle, a cutting board and a knife. No ingredients, no cooking stove, nothing else. And ofcourse, before they started, their pockets were emptied out of any other resources that could possibly come in handy. The instructions were specific: to cook a full course meal – with a starter, a main course and a dessert.

A senior leadership team – dabbling every day in millions, being asked to cook a simple meal. Whats in it you wonder?

This is where the story unfolds layer by layer. If there is one thing that is a constant in todays’ corporate world, it is the certainty of change & the spectre of ambiguity always casting a long shadow. So, back to the cooking, when the teams are thrown the challenge, how they confront the situation is a telling commentary on their approach to ambiguity.

“How can we do all that in just Rs.200?”, “Where do we get all the stuff we need to cook?”, “Where do we cook?”, “All this in just 3 hours?”, “But none of us is good at cooking!” – the objections, the resistance often flies thick and fast, at first. All of which is met with a friendly smile, a shrug of the shoulders – and a helpful line in encouragement from us as Facilitators: “All the very best!”

This is where reality begins to sink in…… “What we cook is what we have as lunch”, “We need to find a way to do this!”. There is a legendary story of Hernando Cortez the Spanish Conquistador who ordered his men to burn their ships soon upon landing in Mexico. The message was clear: there was no option of turning back. Needless to say, they won. Adversity sometimes can be the greatest motivator. And so it was with our corporate cooks – that after the initial rumblings were settled – and no way through was seen, the actual work of how to go about began to be discussed.

What generally happens next is perhaps the clearest reflection of team dynamics playing out. The natural tendencies of individuals quickly emerge. There are some who go into a “quiet-think” mode, silently figuring out what next to do, putting their thoughts together and then emerging back again to share with their groups. There are some who immediately get into “take-charge” mode – talking as they think, gathering everyone around and trying to bounce different ideas. There are some who would watch from the sidelines, waiting for a plan to emerge before jumping in to do their bit. And yes, there would also be some who wear an all-knowing smirk, twiddling their thumbs metaphorically & wait with an attitude that says, “Lets see where all this finally leads”. There would be some who would say, “Lets make a list of everything we need”, someone else who would say, “Lets go to the market and figure”. One task, different approaches – to an MBTI practitioner, it would be just the different preferences playing out so clearly as it would in any group.

Very soon however, a consensus and consequent plans, do emerge. These after all are people who make things happen in large organizations. The stage is now set for the next phase – moving from planning to actual execution. And even here, the same story – of one task, different approaches - plays out in delightful ways.

One group went by the straight rule book. Someone went searching for the nearest market, hitching rides along the way. Another group member went around in the search of a spot to cook. Yet another group member got busy in figuring out how to get a fire started.

In another group – one member approached the nearest house outside the hotel, offering to buy the vegetables in the refrigerator of the bewildered resident. “You can buy it at the market, no?” he was asked. But he pulled it off yet. A third group took a similar approach, but with the hotel pantry. Call it innovation or call it the Indian spirit of jugaad, the challenge of resourcing was well and truly taken up!

The clock ticked on and soon the 3 groups had 3 fires going on in close vicinity to each other. Ever wondered why industries tend to congregate into a certain region? Well, that’s a discussion for another day. But as the fires crackled under the makeshift stone stoves, the ticking timelines got the tempers outside occasionally flaring too.

“You were supposed to get the fire ready by the time we came back”, “Now that we have the fire ready, maybe you can also help in kindling it”, “But its not my job”, “Could you not cut the vegetables closer to the fire?”, “Don’t just stand there – lend a hand”.

Water always finds its level – and so it is said about teams. Eventually everyone found a role to do – some assigned, some assumed. And so as the vegetables simmered in the pots, the smiles, laughter and friendly banter, slowly returned again.

Soon it was time to lay out the food and present it to the entire team. The sense of achievement and pride in the team was palpable. There is nothing that bonds a team as well as shared success. We are often witness to teams going up in team cheers spontaneously at this stage! We then had the Chef-de-Presentatione of each team come up and conjure a wildly creative outpouring of what they had cooked up, that left everyone in splits!

In our work with teams, our constant search is for the elusive “team elixir”. What makes a group of people come together as a cohesive team we constantly wonder and explore. We don’t have the definitive answers as yet, but there are certain common themes that time and again appear:
• A shared sense of purpose
(Its OUR meal !)

• A shared sense of destiny
(If we don’t cook – ALL of us go hungry !)

• A shared sense of responsibility
(I do THIS best – you do THAT best – but only together we can cook a meal !)

• A shared sense of fun, play & camaraderie
(Lets try it! … So what if we go wrong!.... hahahaha!)

For sure there would be many more ingredients that go into building a good team – similarly as there would be many more ingredients that could go to make the cooking tastier. But if there is one over-arching lesson that the Cooking Challenge teaches, it is this: One cook can perhaps lay out a good dish, but if it’s a banquet you are after, you need a team.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Friends of the Heart

I have always been blessed with great friends - at all points in my life. Many of these friends have moved on as we have taken different routes in life. But the beauty of many of these friendships for me has been in the numerous ways that these friends have touched and continue to touch my life. Its sometimes just a phone call, sometimes just a mail, sometimes a recommendation for my work without my asking for it .... and mostly done in a discreet, no-fuss, no-big-deal manner.

I remember reading a long time ago, that in life we come across two kinds of friends. One: "The Friends of the Road" - the people you meet everyday, work with every day, and when the time comes - with each taking their own way. The second type being, "The Friends of the Heart" - the people you meet everyday, work with every day, and when the time comes - each taking their own way too - but the difference being that they continue to stay in our hearts and lives in a way that always brings a smile to us. In a way that the heart knows that even though we are not in regular touch, we still matter to each other in some deep way.

So when i cam across this article about "Friends vs Acquaintances", its something I thought I should share with all my friends in this blog. May all of us know and be these kinds of friends.... The Friends of the Heart.

There is a difference between being an acquiantance and being a friend.

First, an acquaintance is someone whose name you know,
whom you see every now and then,
with whom you probably have something in common,
and around whom you feel comfortable.

It's a person that you can invite to your home
and share things with.
But they are people with whom you wouldn't
share your life, whose actions sometimes
you don't understand because you don't know enough about them...

On the other hand, a friend is someone you love.
Not that you are "in love" with him or her,
but you care about the person, and you
think about him or her when they are not there.

Friends are the people of whom you are reminded
when you see something they might like,
and you know this because you know them so well.
They are the people whose pictures you have
and whose faces are in your head regardless.

They are the people you see in your mind when
you hear a song on the radio because they
made you go up to the person they like and ask
them to dance with them; or maybe YOU danced
with them, maybe they stepped on your toes,
or just put their head on your shoulder.

They are the people around whom you feel safe
because you know they care about you.
They call just to see how you are doing,
because friends don't need an excuse.

They tell you the truth--the first time--
and you do the same.
You know that if you have a problem, they are
there to listen.

They are the people who won't laugh at you
or hurt you, and if they do hurt you,
they try hard to make it up to you.
They are the people you love, regardless
of whether you realize it.

They are the people with whom you cried
when you got rejected from colleges
and during the last song at prom and
at graduation.

They are the people that when you hug them,
you don't think about how long to hug
and who's going to be the first one
to let go.

Maybe they are the people that hold the rings
at your wedding, or maybe they are
the people that give you away at your
wedding, or maybe they are the people you marry.

They are certainly the people that cry at
your wedding because they are happy,
or because they are proud, or because
they are so in love.

They are the people who stop you from
making mistakes and help you when you do.
They are the people whose hand you can hold,
or you can hug or give them a kiss
and not have it be awkward,
because they understand the things you
do and they love you for them.

They stick with you and stand by you.
They hold your hand.
They watch you live, and you watch them live,
and you learn from them.

Your life is not the same without them.
These are your friends.

How many do you have?

Thursday, September 02, 2010

The River Just Knows

Let me be a river,
....Constantly moving.
Charting a course,
....As I am going.

Gurgling along,
....Swirling Playing.
Not a moment,
....For dark stagnating.

Rushing & roaring,
....Swiftly streaming.
Taking along,
....Quietly dispersing.

Never stopping,
....Ever finding.
Paths meandering,
....Through whats obstructing.

Nourishing enriching,
....Lively refreshing.
Creating Inspiring,
....Deeply touching.

Sometimes ebbing.
....Sometimes flowing.
But in the journey,
....Always trusting.

Let me be a river,
....Constantly moving.
Charting a course,
....In the path I am taking.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

I hope you like samosa !

A late night flight from Pune to Delhi. The Airline : Spicejet.
The aircraft: groaning - it’s a full flight.
The atmosphere: quiet, sleepy, mostly dark.
Our seats : One row before the last – window and middle.
Our neighbor in the front seat: A foreigner – jovial - with two kids.
The airhostess: Tired, maybe frustrated, maybe angry?
The food trolley: Starting from the front – crawling to the back.
The contents of the food trolley: Limited - slowly disappearing.
Will it have anything left as it finally reaches us – we wonder!
The food trolley – finally now – just a row ahead.
And just then, a friendly foreign head pops behind.
“I hope you like Samosa!” he grins.
Wise words – Funny words.
Words with a tangy lesson for us:
That when you don’t get what you want,
You better like what you get !!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

The Power of a Huddle

There is something about sitting around in a close huddle and swapping stories that makes people bond together like nothing else does.

Long ago, when I used to literally shiver at the thought of going up to a stage and speaking in front of an audience, someone wise had given me a golden piece of advice: “Pretend & act that you are confident – and soon you will start feeling that way”. “Wasn’t it supposed to be the other way round?” I wondered. “You feel confident first – because of which you are able to act that way”. But the all-consuming panic and stage fright quickly ensured that I followed the one path to survival shown to me. And wonder of wonders – it worked!! That was one trick I have used over and over and over again all through my growing years and in my professional life too!

The same thought came rushing to me again: “Pretend / Act a certain way – and soon you start feeling the same way too!”. Only this time, the scenario was different. In front of me was a group of senior managers of an MNC bank. We had just finished doing many exercises using the Myer-Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI). The idea was to highlight how – below our apparent similarities, each one of us is so uniquely different as a human being, in the way we perceive the world and make our decisions around it. The day had proceeded better than expected – and the fact that the group had reached the realization of the differences was palpable. The key question now for me as a Facilitator was to now move them back in the opposite direction: “How do I get them to come together again, with the new appreciation of how unique they were individually – and yet how similar they were in many ways that wove them together as a team. How could I make them see that together they created a unique mosaic, which is so uniquely “them” as a team?”.

This is when the learning of many years came rushing to me: “To get a group of people feel like a close team, get them to pretend / act they are already a close knit team, sitting in a huddle, swapping stories about each other”.

But sometimes with people, it is not as easy to get them to drop their defenses. Years of competitive corporate life, sometimes makes one believe that showing your real self somehow exposes you and makes you more vulnerable to the office politics. “How do we get around this deep seated psyche?”. There is a popular concept in football called a “head-fake”. The footballer moves his head in one direction, when he actually intends going in the other direction. We needed a head-fake.

The head-fake for us came in the form of PLAY. The one thing that makes people let their guards down, other than small children is the act of playing. “Nothing serious, we are just playing”!.... Oh yes, that really works!

We soon had all 10 senior managers take up colors and markers and unleash their creativity in drawing a tree – complete with roots, leaves, buds, thorns, trunk, birds around…. Well, the only restriction they had was their own imagination. And then, we made a creative leap…. “Just imagine that the tree you have drawn is your personality tree and each component there represents something in your personality – for ex. The trunk being your core values, the flowers being your achievement, the thorns being your challenges & struggles, the leaves being your skills, the buds being your opportunities and so on…”, “Can you think for 10 minutes and share the story of your tree?”

This was when we got all of them sitting knee to knee in a close circle. I was privileged to be a part of that circle. The next one hour was one of the most fascinating hours that I have spent – just listening to the stories of these 10 corporate people, entrenched and enmeshed by their daily lives and day-to-day challenges, and yet when each of them spoke, the similarities, the hopes, the challenges and their unique achievements came together so beautifully to form a unique collage.

There was one person who had conquered Mt.Kilimanjaro. He did not look the mountaineering-types. There was another quiet person who donated 25% of his salary every month to charity. His aim in life was to be able to donate 50% at some point. There was another person who had taken breaks from work to be able to sneak across international borders to rescue girl children. There were many jaws that dropped at that moment. Yet another person was an avid off-roader. Atleast two of them cherished dreams of becoming entrepreneurs. One said that the achievement of his life was bringing up two very well behaved children. Many of them had started their careers from very humble beginnings – and were proud of where they had reached. Many spoke about how they want to give back to society, so that many like them would get their chances. A lady spoke about how she just could not lie come what may – another really big man spoke about how he could never ever hurt anyone and how even the thought of having hurt someone unintentionally, makes him lose his sleep. Speaking about their individual journeys, tapping deep into untouched memories, a few of them occasionally choked a bit. When one person wiped his tears, I could see 9 more that were being held back.

We let the conversation go on till there was a natural silence. Yet, it was a very comfortable silence. Somehow in that one hour, the individuals in the group had coalesced into a team. For sure, there would still be a long way to go before they would be a “great” team, but a big chasm had been conquered that day. Figuratively, the members were atleast all holding hands together. There was an invisible bond that now ran through all of them, it was a bond formed by exposing their deepest sides to each other.

The holiest of the Indian scriptures, are the Upanishads. When you break down the etymology of the word, the Sanskrit term upaniá¹£ad derives from upa- (nearby), ni- (at the proper place, down) and sad ("sitting down near").

Truly, there is something holy about sitting around in a close huddle and swapping stories that makes people bond together like nothing else does. You don’t have to take my word for it – try this with your team today, and do let me know how it goes!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

IT through the FMCG lens

A few days back, we got to do a workshop for one of the leading FMCG brands in India. It was a workshop to do a Vision 2015 for one of their popular brands. The workshop was attended by senior people from across the world representing different important geographies, like South Africa, South East Asia, Brazil and India ofcourse.

It was an extremely engaging and intellectually stimulating two days that I have had the fortune to be a part of. Coming from a completely different IT hardware industry, I could not help but think of so many learnings that could be cross-pollinated between the two industries.
Made we wonder - what would happen, if a set of senior FMCG managers are taken out and brought into the IT hardware industry. Let me speculate :
1) For both industries i.e the IT hardware and FMCG - there is a huge dividend to be exploited from geographical expansion. FMCG by its very nature has an appeal to a broader base - whereas IT hardware, from a current penetration point of view at 4% of the market is still virgin territory in India. Add to this, the huge broadband expansion agenda that the government has articulated - and the FMCG manager would perhaps be licking his fingers at this familiar opportunity staring him in the face. Ofcourse, easier said than done - but fighting over the paltry 4% was never easy anyways, was it ?

2) While IT hardware sales in India is very "selling" focussed, FMCG by its very nature is more "marketing" focussed. It is about occupying a certain mindspace in the customers head. I suspect a FMCG marketer would see this as a gap and perhaps relook at the market with this new set of eyes. For example - what does brand "Lenovo" or "Acer" or "HCL" stand for in a customers head? Yes, HCL would have a low cost positioning. Acer would have a "Low cost - MNC brand" positioning. But I believe there is a huge space available for other non-cost positions up for the taking in the market. The only brand currently crystal clear on a long term positioning plank is Apple with its "Kool" positioning. Pick up the paper and go through any PC advertisement. 9 out of 10 are around tactical messagings.... around a "Core2 Duo" processor, a "Windows 7" or at best a "Entertainment PC". Seriously, in a world overloaded with brands shouting for attention, isn't it too much to expect a consumer to remember the messaging of a certain product defined by cryptic numbers, of a larger brand? Yes, I know what a Merc stands for - but do I know what a C class, E class or a S class individually stand for? Who cares?... except perhaps the brand / category manager of that product line!

But a positioning or messaging takes years to percolate down to the masses. Nike I believe took close to 6 years, before their iconic communication around "Just do it" really began to stick with people. If there is one big input a FMCG marketeer can get in - it is this tendency in the hardware industry to think with a horizon of 3 months. Michael Dells glorified statement around a "nano-second to stop and breathe before running again" - has perhaps got overhyped and has cemented a wrong kind of thinking that urgently needs a relook. The success of Apple in overtaking mighty Microsoft in market capitalisation is perhaps a lesson that hardware managers should pause to think about instead.

3) In both industries, there is again a huge potential to get people to move up the ladder from using "unbranded" or "assembled" products. The unbranded hardware market at 55% of the current market has for long been a "promised land" that hardware marketeers have eyed with much anticipation. The thinking really was: If a branded product is today made available at a slight premium over the unbranded product, the flood gates will open. Numerous really interesting projects and brilliant people have had their go at this logic. But the fortress still stands strong. Why?

I propose - maybe its a mindset issue with the industry. Many of the people who are today at the helm of the IT hardware industry are mostly folks who got into the industry during the boom days of the 90's. This was the time when a 386 PC would sell for more than a lakh and margins were generous. In boom times, the whole focus is on getting in as many orders as possible and executing them at speed. The fifth P in the marketing mix became "PACE". Therein lay the seeds of "order taking" as against "selling" value. "Price" in such a scenario got a glorified importance. What followed next was a familiar human tendency... If all you have is a hammer - everything you see is a nail! So, when the challenge of cracking the "assembled" market came forth, when the boom times subsided - it was but natural to think in terms of price proposition.

A FMCG marketeer, may perhaps have a different take. Today people buy a FMCG product not particularly due to product features, but largely due to emotions associated with the brand communication. Surf for example which says "Dirt is good" - achieves a certain association in the consumers mind, which makes him overlook the fact that it is 20% costlier than Wheel. It also makes the fact that it contains certain kind of "chemicals or molecules" a secondary fact to his buying decision. This is not to say that features or price dont matter in an IT sale - on the contrary, it does. But the balance in weightage given to "Features and price" can definitely be reduced in comparison to the weightage given to "building a consistent brand positioning and messaging".

4) FMCG marketeers have tasted huge success in India in serving out their offerings in small plastic sachets. That one innovation brought in a huge number of consumers into their fold, who used the products on 'occassions". So a shampoo sachet is often used in many households only when there is a function for which the family goes out. "Pay as you go" has been a concept that has often been dabbled with in the hardware industry in the past. But with cloud computing, SaaS (software as a service), Web 2.0, unparalleled connectivity and converged products - all coming together now, the time is perhaps right for a fresh assault on this front, that has the potential to unleash the same kind of demographic dividends in IT as it has already done in FMCG.

5) By the very nature of their DNA, FMCG marketeers are always looking to tap into societal trends. They scout popular culture, literature and the "buzz" to tap into deep insights that then reflect in their product marketing campaigns. So, when Pepsi said there was "Nothing official about it" - more than the fact that it was tongue in cheek, what really catapulted the campaign was that it tapped into a generation of people who had grown tired of Indian "officialdom". The tools of the trade of an FMCG marketeer are perhaps getting relevant today in the IT hardware industry, where consumer demographics is changing rapidly. The IT decision makers in urban homes is more often the younger generation of people. The salience of getting the "communication" just right is getting amplified more than ever. Tactical ads of the past which showcased specifications and pricing are passe. The key question increasingly will be : "What is the one "tension" in society that your messaging is giving a release to?" Apple is the only one who has it right at the moment, by its positioning of being cool, that releases the tension of the Apple user by saying "This is who I am. I am a Apple user. I am cool".

The IT hardware industry in India, I believe is in the cross roads. On on one hand, it stands at a moment in time where the earlier wave has subsided. New generic competiton from mobile players like Nokia and Telecom players like Airtel (who provides online computing) are changing the playing field. And legacy mindsets of "order-taking" as against "selling" has steadily weakened the profitability in the industry. On the other hand, it also stands at the cusp of a great new wave that will be propelled by converged products, huge investments in broadband reach, new wireless technologies and the startling figure of an abysmal 4% IT penetration to-date. My bet is that when this next lot of consumers come of age, the fight in IT hardware will be between the marketeers and not between the sales folks. The company that will win, will be the company with the sharpest marketing focus and the deepest consumer insights.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Luggage Belt : The Great Leveller

"How you do something - is how you do everything" - some wise man had once told me. Though I kept my opinions open about that one, somehow that same line came rushing back to me the other day when the plane I was in, was taxiing in the runway, slowly coming to a halt. And the reason for that was the mad scramble that ensued among some of my fellow travellers to get out of their seats, grab their bags from the overhead bins and try to rush to the exit.

The poor airhostess kept repeating, "Sir, please take your seats and wait for the aircraft to come to a complete stop". While some acquiesced, many others just brushed her aside, avoided looking in her direction and went about their purposeful task.

"Why are we so impatient as a country?", I wondered. Perhaps its the competitive streak that gets ingrained in all of us right from the time we get our first admissions into kindergarten, where we have to "beat the line" to get those coveted seats ? Perhaps its the culture where a 85% marks by a student is no longer considered "good enough" in a market where 97% atmost is the cut-off for most "prestigious' colleges ? Life seen in that perspective is really one mad scramble to the finish line !!.... but does the winner really take it all ?
For each his own - and I really dont want to think about what makes someone else tick. What really occured to me though was that regardless of how much you scramble in a plane to get off it first - at the end of it all, the "Luggage Belt" will still get you !!! Its often amusing and I actually get a sadistic kick now-a-days when I see someone not heeding the airhostess, scrambling for his bag, pushing and shoving ahead - only to reach the luggage belt and keep waiting eternally for his luggage to arrive. I almost feel like going up to him and sharing some undying wisdom from Murphy : "The last bag on the luggage belt will always be yours" !

Just made me think - wouldn't it be much much better, if the announcements they make in airlines was a bit more amusing - perhaps poking fun at ourselves as a people ? Let me share a few I would love to hear and appreciate :

1) Ladies & Gentlemen, thankyou for travelling with Jet Airways. Please note that the duration of waiting for your baggage at the belt is inversely proportional to the speed at which you exit the plane. So, please time yourself to your convenience. Thankyou.

2) This is one I heard from someone : During the safety instructions.... "...... below your seat you will find the floatation device. Should the plane land on water, please take them with our compliments"

3) Here are a few other good ones I found that could be used :
- After the landing : Thankyou for flying Spicejet. We hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride.
- As you exit the plane, make sure you take all your belongings. Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses.
- After a particularly hard landing : We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo bounces us to the terminal
- Safety instructions again : In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask and pull it over your face.

Come to think of it - a lot of the airline safety instructions are really redundant and could do with a complete re-think and make-over, couldn't they ? Do we really need someone to say how to put on the safety belt ? Not a lot of rocket science in there is it ? Not in an age where my 5 year old niece knows how to use a mobile phone !!

In an airline market that is already overcrowded - I am really waiting eagerly to see the first airline that develops a sense of humour. I believe its a huge opportunity for one of them to stand outside the clutter - and in the process, make all our lives a little less serious & a bit more cheerful !

While on the topic - heres a hilarious video about airline safety : Maybe the day is not far when we see this happening in low cost airlines !!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Of Innuendoes & Blindfolds

Some things in life look simpler to achieve than they actually are.

You don't agree ? Ok - heres a task for you. Try and buy a 100 blindfolds from anywhere. Yes, those simple harmless pieces of clothing that you may have not even given a second thought to when you got it from one of the airlines perhaps, during a long flight. Just so that we are on the same page, heres what you need to be looking for.For those of you who think this is an easy task, please STOP reading here - and go around trying to buy this first. For the rest of you, let me narrate our harrowing experience !

Rakesh is my colleague. The two of us set about looking for this innocuous piece of clothing around 10 days back. Before any of your imaginations jump ahead - let me clarify why. Among the different activities that we conduct as a part of team building activities, we have something that we call the "Blindfold Square". As the name suggests - the activity requires that all participants be blindfolded before we start it

Totally unaware of what lay ahead, we first went to a childrens toy store. Incidentally we spend a lot of time now-a-days in such stores figuring out activities that we can use for adults in team building - anything that is specified as for 3+ years qualifies in our radar. Since we had seen blindfolds being used in some kids birthday, we figured it must be a off-the-shelf item. "Do you have blindfolds ?" I asked. The shopkeeper gave us a grin.... "yeh aapke liye hai - ya bacchon ke liye ?" he asked. "Irrelevant question", I thought and told him in a very matter of fact way : "Ye badon ke liye hai...".... before i finished the sentence I suspected I saw his grin getting a bit wider. "Nahin sir, woh sab nahin rakthe" he said with a wide toothy grin.

"Funny guy", I told myself. And we went on undeterred to the next shop. Same question - same response. The looks were only getting funnier. By then the sexual innuendoes that we were getting had dawned on us both. At a few places we both got looked over slowly - as the wide grin was flashed once again.... almost unconsciously, we began standing imperceptibly a little further apart from each other.

5 shops and the same reaction everywhere. The hunt was quickly moving from a casual to a desperate stage. Perhaps an indication of the desperation was when I saw Rakesh slip into an Osim store. They were selling those new vibrating / massaging chairs there. Then I realised why he went there - he had spied a new product they were selling "uSleep".... if there is sleep, a "sleep mask" wouldn't be far behind - he had figured. (Notice also how the "blindfold" had quickly metamorphised into a "sleep mask"). I didn't ask him what happened there - but I guess he left behind a very disappointed salesman happy to see a customer walk in for a product, only to be asked for a "sleep mask" !

A few more shops - a few more snide looks and grins - and we arrived at the conclusion that it was time to pull out all stops. We went looking for other avenues. First stop : GOD GOOGLE. He quickly pointed us out to "Good lord ! Amazon sells even this ?" I caught myself thinking. A few quick steps and we suddenly had in front of us a choice of hundreds of different types of blindfolds - ranging from 2$ to 50$ - without shipment charges. We were in no mood to go to another shop and bear those looks - so, "this is it" - we told ourselves. "Hail the anonymity of the internet", "Lets order for 100". We chose the 2$ blindfold and with a few clicks of the mouse & keyboard reached the checkout stage. And then it happened - lo and behold - " does not ship this product to India" said the website. "But why ?" we almost screamed !..... "perhaps some internet error", the optimist in us told us. And so we tried again - and again - and again. Finally we got the message : It was true. Considering the burgeoning population of India, had decided that Indians could do without any such artificial aid !

GOD GOOGLE had led us to a dead end. We remembered Amitabh Bachhan : "Phone a friend" we told oursleves. I called up a friend. As soon as I mentioned "blindfolds", his broke out laughing. "Hey - interesting work you guys are doing - dont tell me you guys get people to do kinky stuff too" he bellowed. "Et tu Brutus ?" - I felt like telling him, but got away telling him something milder. "Let me see if I have any lying around at home" he said, and then quickly clarified, "picked up from some airline flight". "ok" we said.

By now we realised that buying a blindfold was a lost cause. The only honourable way of getting it was taking an existing piece to a tailor and asking him to stitch 100 more like that. And dare the tailor even bare a glimmer of a grin, we take our business elsewhere.

So, how do we lay our hands on that one elusive piece of blindfold.... we were racking our brains now. It was almost like the search for Yeti.... almost everyone had heard of it, but nobody knew where it came from !

I believe we were one step away from prayers.... when suddenly light shone. My wife who was in Bangalore for some work and who was a party to all our travails called me. Her brother was shifting houses and in the process doing a lot of "de-cluttering" - meaning throwing away lot of unwanted stuff that houses have a habit of swallowing.... and.... not one, not two - but three different types of blindfolds had been spotted. "Do you still need it ?" she asked. For just a moment, I realised how Columbus must have felt after months and months of travelling and seeing only blue seas - to see the first signs of land emerging. "Yes" I almost shouted, "Yes, please get me all the blindfolds you get your hands onto !"

Today I am the proud owner of 3 blindfolds that have come all the way from Bangalore. While they await to be taken to a tailor for further re-production, an evil thought creeps into my mind : The next time we interview someone for a job, one of the tests we put him / her through would be : "How fast can you arrange 100 blindfolds ?"..."your time starts now !"

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Don't know why exactly, but as I was mulling over the next steps we need to take to get our business going, somehow remembered the eternally inspiring poem by Rudyard Kipling : "IF". Also got me thinking a bit about Faith. Sometimes we think of Faith as an absolute - in the sense of saying : "Do you have faith ?" or "Do you not have faith".... but come to think of it, its actually more like petrol in a car. We tank up - drive a while, but there comes a time when we need to tank up again. Poems for me have always been one such tank-up source - and perhaps it was time for me to tank up again today......

Another dear friend called in yesterday night, out of the blue, to just say : "When you think you have come to the end of the road - just hang in for another 6 months from there for my sake. I am sure this will work - I believe you will make it". Again, I dont know why he felt the need to suddenly call up and say that - but being a fan of Paulho Coelho, I do believe that these are sometimes messages from the Universe, to tank us up with Faith, just when it senses theres a need for some !

On that note, heres the wonderful poem - do read it and get inspired again :


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The City Of Angels

I have just had the most eye-opening incident happen to me - and I can barely wait to share it here in my blog. Have you ever had an experience like the one in the image above ?..... well, thats not my car - but I had a very similar experience yesterday.

Returning late at night, my wife and me took the left turn just after DT Mall on MG Road in Gurgaon, when suddenly the left tyre of my Optra sank deep into the mud there and the diagnolly opposite tyre actually went up a bit in the air !. Nothing I tried worked out - reversing it, turning the tyres and accelerating it ahead - absolutely nothing worked. Infact as I accelerated, the wheels started spinning throwing up a lot of muck and soil onto the top of the car completely covering the windshield on the left hand side of the car.

I got out of the car and had a look... and it did look to be a pretty bad situation. That stretch of road is also not much populated at that time of the night (around 9:45pm) - and so the only thing I could do was to ask my wife to get out of the car - and try to lift it out of the dirt myself. I soon realised it perhaps needed a Arnold Schwarznegger to achieve that feat - which I definitely was not. My wife in the meanwhile had that "how-could-you-do-this" look - and from the corner of my eye I could sight an impending storm on the home front.

Just as I was considering the situation - a most amazing thing happened. Out of nowhere, nearly 6-8 people passing by got together and approached the 'situation". Hardly anyone even asked me the customory questions expected..."How did this happen ?"...."You should have been careful".... "blah blah blah blah" ....... nobody even asked me whether I needed some help. The group of them - 2 students, 2 workers passing by, a gaurd standing nearby, a passerby in a car, a sardarji on a scooter and a motorcyclist with his helmet on - all came together and soon ideas where flying thick and fast. It was decided that putting a stone below the wheel was the best way to extricate the car - and so, the group of them organised the stones in a jiffy - and before I knew it, everyone had their hands in the muck and dirt trying to lift up the car as someone else quickly put the stones in. The dirt for the record was pretty significant - and all of us soon had a splattering of mud all over our clothes - including the guy in the car who came wearing a business suite !! Anyways with the stone now in place - I tried again - and this time the car made its way thankfully, out of the hole. I let out a sigh of relief !

I parked my car ahead and got out of my car to thank these selfless samaritans - but most of them had already dispersed into the night.

I have never experienced something like this before. And for all those who talk about cities that have made people cold and selfish - here is a testimony that makes me feel so proud to be a Gurgaonite, so proud to be an Indian.

All those ideals that turns humans into Angels - Love, Goodness, Faith, Helpfulness, Selflessness - everything that is considered good, is infact all around us. At times people forget, at times people stray away from these ideals - but they are people like you and me afterall. All of us have our dark sides and dark moments - but what this senseless act of charity yesterday taught me was that, we should never forget that innately, every one around us has an inner core of goodness. So the next time someone makes a mistake - or someone does things that hurt me, I will be generous enough to remember that its just a "mistake" afterall.

And yes, all it takes to convert a cold, selfish city into a "City of Angels" are these small selfless acts that we do just like that. A phrase I read once in the Readers Digest talked about this : "Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty". Perhaps a few of us doing this could spark a small wave that ushers the Angels in.

Today - I raise up my hand to be a part of this movement.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Entering Circa 2010

Six months without a proper "job" has been challenging, yet strangely liberating.

Its like gambling everything that you have on one roll of the dice. Its living with a nagging fear that says : "What if you fail ?". Its at the same time like enjoying the cool breeze rushing on your face when you skim on a jetski and enjoying just THAT ONE moment in time. Its risking looking like a fool, but at the same time - its like an adventure where you are tingling with anticipation on how things will turn out.

Like the guy who fell 14 floors - and said to each of his friends on the floors below.... "Well, I am all right, so far !!". Its the same with me so far. Things are beginning to fall in place - just getting the first few people in place - finalised on an office space - working on the website which should be up in next 3 weeks time. And then, we set sail....

As I start the new year, I realise that this is a defining year in many many ways. Found an inspirational poem that I want to share with everyone who visits this blog. Wish you a very happy and fulfilling new year ahead !!

The Invitation
Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Indian Elder

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living.
I want to know what you ache for,
and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are.
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love,
for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon.
I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow,
if you have been opened by life's betrayals
or have become shriveled and closed from fear of future pain!

I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own,
without moving to hide it, or fade it, or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with JOY, mine or you own:
if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to
the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful,
be realistic, or to remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true.
I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself;
if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul.

I want to know if you can be faithful and therefore be trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see beauty even when it is not pretty every day,
and if you can source your life from ITS presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine,
and still stand on the edge of a lake and shout
to the silver of the full moon, YES!

It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money
you have. I want to know if you can get up
after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone,
and do what needs to be done for the children.

It doesn't interest me who you are, how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me
and not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me where or with whom you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you from the inside
when all else falls away.

I want to know if you can be alone with yourself,
and if you truly like the company you keep
in the empty moments.