Thursday, September 21, 2006


Love as the wise men say is a many hued experience...... figuratively, like a surfer riding the wild waves of a turbulent sea...... sometimes the heady highs, sometimes the frightful depressing lows, sometimes the joy of the cruise and sometimes the tumble.... but at the end of it all, never a surfer who would say....never again. For a long time, till I found my own island, I was a surfer too..... often in love, and more often... in love with love..... enjoying the ride, reaching out for the rainbow...... this was me again, in one of "those" romantic moods.......dream, dream, dream.....

For years now, I have been thinking of you - no, not always, but off and on - like pleasant dreams which one likes to recall - which bring traces of a smile to ones lips - a light headed feeling of suppressed joy.

Years roll on, but memories linger. Like the time we first met - and talked. It was I who blushed, wasn't it ? Well yet another incident to recall with a smile !

How soon we became friends ! College days - the fun, the studies, the heady spirit - indelible images printed in the mind for life. The innumerable times I would snatch a look at you - in class. The times when we would often be in a group - and yet I, would be so far away, alone with you. The days when I would look at you, and in silence let you know how much I love you. Days when I wished I could pour out my feelings for you - tell you how much I care - how much I wished to keep you happy always - to take your share of pain from you.

Time flies, doesn't it ?

The night sky appears beckoning. The beauty of a million stars and the silver moonlight spilling into the balcony, seems to wash us in a sea of love. There is not a question asked - not a word spoken. Just you and me and a sense of tranquility. just two little travellers going on and on in the journey of life, with no-one for support but us.

Yeah, the journey of life - past a few rusty towns, past a few hillocks and probably mountains too - but passing many a beautiful meadows, plains extending for miles and miles, a lot of beautiful gardens with bright sunshine and scaling many a summit of joy !

Where is our destination ? Where does the road lead ? - It hardly matters as long as you are with me.

Arriving through the flight of years, the two of us - working together, laughing together, growing together - knowing one another as well as any two persons ever could.

And then, the first few strand of white - yet, the mellowing of spirit, the maturing of thought - a glowing sense of satisfaction - a sense of accomplishment.

The train of thoughts chugs on and on.....

Yet, will you ever know ?
Will you ever understand ?
I wonder............

1 comment:

Hello, My Goodbye said...

Where do you get the inspiration to write so beautifully?
I envy your so easily writing hand.
