Thursday, May 01, 2008

Deja Vu

Its May day today.... wifey is travelling to China.....and so I ended up spending my day with the "Messiahs handbook" by Richard Bach. A beautiful insightful book it is.... and for any of you fellow travellers happening to pass by and read this blog - go buy this book today. It will elevate your soul. A wonderful passage that I just read there :

From time to time its fun to close your eyes, and in the dark say to yourself, "I am the sorcerer, and when I open my eyes, I shall see a world that I have created, and for which I and only I am completely responsible." Slowly then, eyelids open like curtains lifting stage-center.

And sure enough, theres your world, just the way you built it.

Got me thinking .... and as it so often happens when you are thinking on a lazy holiday at home... went off on a tangent thinking of the so many times that I have had this feeling of Deja Vu.... seeing a total stranger passing by - when for just a moment in time, the eyes lock. What if me the sorcerer had chosen a different reality ? So many paths - one life to live - too short a time to live it all, to explore it all, isn't it ?

Deja Vu
Do I know you ?
When our eyes met,
Did it feel so true ?

Hey there stranger,
In another lifetime,
Where we together ?
Me and you ?

Like ships at sea,
Passing each other by,
Having in some harbour afar,
Docked side by side ?

So many ships,
So many strangers,
From another time, another place,
Deja Vu ...... its the soul remembering you.

1 comment:

Priyankari said...

Nice lines :)