Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The City Of Angels

I have just had the most eye-opening incident happen to me - and I can barely wait to share it here in my blog. Have you ever had an experience like the one in the image above ?..... well, thats not my car - but I had a very similar experience yesterday.

Returning late at night, my wife and me took the left turn just after DT Mall on MG Road in Gurgaon, when suddenly the left tyre of my Optra sank deep into the mud there and the diagnolly opposite tyre actually went up a bit in the air !. Nothing I tried worked out - reversing it, turning the tyres and accelerating it ahead - absolutely nothing worked. Infact as I accelerated, the wheels started spinning throwing up a lot of muck and soil onto the top of the car completely covering the windshield on the left hand side of the car.

I got out of the car and had a look... and it did look to be a pretty bad situation. That stretch of road is also not much populated at that time of the night (around 9:45pm) - and so the only thing I could do was to ask my wife to get out of the car - and try to lift it out of the dirt myself. I soon realised it perhaps needed a Arnold Schwarznegger to achieve that feat - which I definitely was not. My wife in the meanwhile had that "how-could-you-do-this" look - and from the corner of my eye I could sight an impending storm on the home front.

Just as I was considering the situation - a most amazing thing happened. Out of nowhere, nearly 6-8 people passing by got together and approached the 'situation". Hardly anyone even asked me the customory questions expected..."How did this happen ?"...."You should have been careful".... "blah blah blah blah" ....... nobody even asked me whether I needed some help. The group of them - 2 students, 2 workers passing by, a gaurd standing nearby, a passerby in a car, a sardarji on a scooter and a motorcyclist with his helmet on - all came together and soon ideas where flying thick and fast. It was decided that putting a stone below the wheel was the best way to extricate the car - and so, the group of them organised the stones in a jiffy - and before I knew it, everyone had their hands in the muck and dirt trying to lift up the car as someone else quickly put the stones in. The dirt for the record was pretty significant - and all of us soon had a splattering of mud all over our clothes - including the guy in the car who came wearing a business suite !! Anyways with the stone now in place - I tried again - and this time the car made its way thankfully, out of the hole. I let out a sigh of relief !

I parked my car ahead and got out of my car to thank these selfless samaritans - but most of them had already dispersed into the night.

I have never experienced something like this before. And for all those who talk about cities that have made people cold and selfish - here is a testimony that makes me feel so proud to be a Gurgaonite, so proud to be an Indian.

All those ideals that turns humans into Angels - Love, Goodness, Faith, Helpfulness, Selflessness - everything that is considered good, is infact all around us. At times people forget, at times people stray away from these ideals - but they are people like you and me afterall. All of us have our dark sides and dark moments - but what this senseless act of charity yesterday taught me was that, we should never forget that innately, every one around us has an inner core of goodness. So the next time someone makes a mistake - or someone does things that hurt me, I will be generous enough to remember that its just a "mistake" afterall.

And yes, all it takes to convert a cold, selfish city into a "City of Angels" are these small selfless acts that we do just like that. A phrase I read once in the Readers Digest talked about this : "Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty". Perhaps a few of us doing this could spark a small wave that ushers the Angels in.

Today - I raise up my hand to be a part of this movement.


Ramgopal Vallath said...

Dear Arun, in the last couple of years, I have realised that good samaritans are always there in life. The number of people who reached out and helped me in my hour of need when going thru some health issues was amazing. Now I will pass this kindness on. if not to the same people, to someone else.

Pattabiraman Raghuraman said...

Dear Arun - Can't help but agree with you here. After coming out of Taj Mahal late in the evening, I took my car out of the Agra parking lot. As I took a natural left out of the lot, I did not know I would be running the car over a elevated projection on the plaform protruding out on to the road. With a deafening crash sound I could feel the platform below the left side of the car. The two wheels on the left side where up in Air and my wife who was sitting next to me on the front left seat was trapped as the door on her side would not open. I was shaking all over when I stepped out. Before I could realise there were more than 20 people who quickly went around the car, were discussing various alternatives to get the car out of that position. There were people lying flat on the ground below the car trying to figure out where to lift from. Then they physically lifted the car, front first and the rear next and set it on road. When I started offering my gratitude there were hardly 2 or 3 people around. People had moved on. As I drove back (despite the car not being aligned properly due to the damage to something underneath) I was thanking god for surrounding us with these helpful & self-less humans. We should stop being cynical and interact with people with an open mind

Roon said...

RamG / Raghu - thanks a lot for sharing. Raghus experience is so uncannily similar to mine.

Feels good to hear that these are not just one off things that a lucky few encounter - and that the web of goodness spreads wide :-)


Roshan said...

It is heaterning to see that the innate goodness of humans have not died out. Its all in there, smothered down by the demands of our daily life. Most of the people we know, wouldnt stop to help a person injured in an accident on the road, fearing getting involved or dragged into the resliting police investigations and what not.
My policy is to help out where i can, and request them to do the same in a similar situation to somebody who is in need of help.
in my cup of happiness, the small help i give, ring the most loud!

Anonymous said...

In it something is. Thanks for the help in this question.

Poetryfan said...

Hi Arun,

I too have found that it is our natural tendency to assume the worst in people.. but obviously when we see carefully that is not the case. There is an innate goodness in most people and that is why the world survives.. Here is a nice poem that fits the mood and topic. Maybe you will like it. :)

This world lives
Some men
do not eat alone,
not even when they get
the sweet ambrosia of the gods;

they've no anger in them,
they fear evils other men fear
but never sleep over them;

give their lives for honor,
will not touch a gift of whole worlds
if tainted;

there's no faintness in their hearts
and they do not strive
for themselves.

Because such men are,
this world is.

Ilam Peruvaluti

Roon said...

Dips - thats such a nice poem. Thankyou for sharing. Especially liked the last line: because such people are, the world is !