Monday, July 18, 2011

An Angel Descends

There is a new sport that we have just discovered - and it is called, "Baby Gazing". The dining table that was usually a witness to long dinners, now finds itself deserted in super quick time. The television - which was sometimes the object of turf wars, finds itself there for the taking - the remote control lying tamely on the sofa. Even the cell phone - that prime king of gadgets that effortlessly hogs time, is strangely relegated to a strictly functional existence. Everyone is hooked to the new game at home, Baby Gazing.

It has been less than a week since a little person dropped in to stay with us. In just this small passage of time, our lives seem to have gone topsy turvy in more ways than one. Many well meaning and battle scarred friends asked us to be prepared for "the ride of our lives". But all the advice, all the baby manuals and all the doctors never told us one thing : Life as we have known it, will never ever be the same again! It truly feels like a completely new world that we are entering again.... and are we glad :-)

Penning a few thoughts, as our baby enters our lives.The dress you wear,
Looks two sizes too large.
Your teeth and eye brows,
Still an idea.

The flash of my camera,
Makes you frown,
A puff of air,
Sees you wriggle.

Oh you sleep so much,
Your fists all clenched.
You smile and sputter,
In your dreams.

And yet, from the one instant,
You gazed into my eyes,
You have me so bewitched,
Bedazzled and besotted,
I now feel touched by an Angel.

Welcome Princess, Welcome kid,
With bated breath, a world awaits.
Grace us with your magic touch,
And make it a whole new world again!


Roshan said...

arun, i am assuming that this baby Jia is your niece or shwetha's niece and not your kid.
if she is your baby, i promise, i will come down to wherever you are and break your bones..for not letting us know.

Roon said...

Hi Rosh - so sorry!!... the bones are all yours :-) Call me buddy.

Anonymous said...

Wish you get two more of the tribe to have the fun & pleasure of witnessing them fight with each other for petty things or the eldest one hitting/ pinching the younger ones unable to see the affection of the parents being shared by new ones.New experience as judge of solving amicably the disputes using
Sama,Dana.Bheda and ultimately Danda!
Guess who could it be!

Anonymous said...

I really liked the article, and the very cool blog