Sunday, September 03, 2006


In the casual swat of a hand - a fly loses its life....hopes, dreams, plans and emotions - are they in the domain of humans only ?.....who really knows ?

Unto the starry night, a mother,
Once set her little afree.
A strapping young fellow so full of life,
Of wonder, of liberty.

Oh ! the joy, the ecstacy,
The pleasure of being free.
Of gliding, of diving, of soaring above,
What adventure it can be !

"Oh life, Oh life, I love it" he said,
What mysteries in store for me ?
What veils to be lifted yet ?
What beauty beckons me !

There was a stroke of lightning,
A flicker of a hand.
That instant of a mocking fate,
Sneering at life, at hope, at dreams !

The world moves on, unseeing, uncaring,
But somewhere a mother mourns on,
For the death of her darling, her lovely,
Her pride - the bubbly little fly.

1 comment:

Pooh said...

Never knew one could write such a touchy poetry out of such a normal action, which for most of us, does'nt even register was done!! For a moment,You got me feeling guilty for all the mosquitoes i've killed!! :)) - Beautiful writing!!