Thursday, August 09, 2007

Whats a miracle afterall ?

The little boy,
Wearing silver sunlight,
Soon realises the time is past.

How long do you clasp onto a beautiful dream ?
When its tearing away at you, all the time.
How do you undo whats already done ?
How do you turn the clock, back in time ?

Are there really miracles ?
Or are they just mirages turned inside out ?
Every dream - just a cotton cloud,
Ours to own, till the expiry date ?

What do you do,
When a dream turns sour ?
What do you do,
When what you take for a miracle,
Turns out to be a mirage afterall ?


Arti Honrao said...

Thought provoking!


Parul Bhatnagar said...

hmmmm really gud...
n thnks 4 appreciating my poetry... n tragedy is my life is like dat only... :) anywaz keep visiting my blog..... !! thnks again

Roshan said...

Wel, Arun..long time since i have read your blog.

What would I do?
You know me! I flunked the course, thinking it was all over for me, but later went backwith determination, completed it, got a wonderful career, a wonderful family and sort of happy.

Fate is what you create for yourself. Faced with a so -called fate, Fight Back..thats whats to be done!

Ciao, Stay in Touch!

Roon said...

Rosh - you can fight back, when the person involved is YOU. But what do you do when its someone very close to you & not you ?

Roshan said...

Encourage them to fight back! thats the only thing u can do.
Each person has to learn it the hard way. as the usual saying goes - failures are the stepping stones to success..yeah true..